A Study on the Bodily Based on the Greek and Christian ideology 인문 · 사회과학편 : 희랍철학과 기독교 신앙에서의 신체관(身體關)
22(2) 3-8, 1983
A Study on the Bodily Based on the Greek and Christian ideology 인문 · 사회과학편 : 희랍철학과 기독교 신앙에서의 신체관(身體關)
This study is approximately summerized as follows:
Plato, one of the famous Greek philosophers, was in the dualistic attitude that body is an evil thing and is subordinate to soul, while Aristotle had the monistic standpoint that a human being is a total being, and body and soul are not separable. Another philosopher, Democrit thought that since a human being is but a phenomenon in a subuniverse and has no costive meaning.
In the Christian theory body is a unified and collective system and body is an element necessary to distianity stoicism was the obstacle to the bodily activities, but after the Reformation Puritans put a great emphasis on labor and sports activities were, though limitedly, popular. Nowadays various sports and bodily recreation are utilized for the purpose of promoting the missionary work and human relationship.
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An athletic view on the stone-battle in Yi-Dinasty 인문 · 사회과학편 : 조선석전(朝鮮石戰)에 관(關)한 체육적(體育的) 고찰(考察)
22(2) 9-17, 1983
An athletic view on the stone-battle in Yi-Dinasty 인문 · 사회과학편 : 조선석전(朝鮮石戰)에 관(關)한 체육적(體育的) 고찰(考察)
This article deals with the recorded writings of the stone-battle, its source in the folks, its historical development, and its athletic characteristics. The main points can be described as follows:
1. Although phyeonjyeon or pyeonjeon ‘group-battle’ was used as a term for the stone-battle, it had better be replaced by the seokcheon ‘stone-battle’ because it contains the athletic properties of group exercies.
2. In spite of various arguments for the source of stone-battle, the stone-battle might be derived in the point of physical science, from stone-pitching in the human basic activities which consist physically of running, jumping, an pitching. The stone had been used weapon since the stone-battle in Yi-Dinasty was utilized as the training for the real battle or just in the battle itself. It was transmitted as an anual playing among the people. In the late Yi-Dinsaty it had nearly kept its from in the astrological custom predicting good and evil.
3. The existence of the stone-battle entirely indicates that there was an athletic element in the stone-battle by the Korean folks for a long time.
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A Study on Olympism and Axiology of Olympism to the Problem Situation Theory in Pragmatism 인문 · 사회과학편 : 올림피즘(Olympism)과 그 가치(價値)의 실용주의적(實用主義的) 접근(接近)
22(2) 19-30, 1983
A Study on Olympism and Axiology of Olympism to the Problem Situation Theory in Pragmatism 인문 · 사회과학편 : 올림피즘(Olympism)과 그 가치(價値)의 실용주의적(實用主義的) 접근(接近)
This study aims;
1) to analyze the intrinsic meaning of Olympism.
2) to find what is right in the basis of the values of Olympism.
3) to study the values of Olympism by an axioligy related to the problem situation theory in pragmatism.
To study these problems, I chose John Dewey who is one of the most famous pragmatist. John Dewey was profoundly skeptical of any kind of absolution. For Dewey, Values arise in a relation between a personal attitute and extrapersonal thing on the basis of human experience. Dewey denies fixed ends or finds ends. Human situations vary in complexity and difficulty. Thus there are no wholesale views of reality or single solutions for the problems of men. He denies that there is only one overaching and from which the resolutions of all conflicts can be deduced. He maintains that any given situation they enter into the reconstruction of experience which will resolve the given ethical difficulty.
Dewey denies the differencing instrumental value from intrinsic value. And said what thing the instrumental value is intrinsic value itself.
He insisted the thought that intrinsic value always permits instrumental value is the most dangerous. And said only when intrinsic value is used as a instrumental value, there will be a growth.
The results are;
1) Olympism is not only the intrinsic value but also instrumental value itself.
2) Only when Olympism is used for the instrumental value, there will be a growth in Modern Olympic Games.
3) The reason why the Olympic Games is fall into decadance is the misunderstanding of Olympism as it`s instrumental value of Olympism and over use of it.
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A Study on the meaning of Body Movement in Korean Folk Dance and Play-A Dance as Spiritual Consiousness- 인문 · 사회과학편 : 민속연희(民俗演戱)에 나타난 몸짓의 의미(意味)-신명으로서의 춤-
22(2) 31-40, 1983
A Study on the meaning of Body Movement in Korean Folk Dance and Play-A Dance as Spiritual Consiousness- 인문 · 사회과학편 : 민속연희(民俗演戱)에 나타난 몸짓의 의미(意味)-신명으로서의 춤-
This study is a review on the original motive of body movements that are found in Korean Folk Dance and Play. I have studied the relationship between body and labour, dance and spirit from a synthetic point of view paying attention to what the dance is an art based upon the body which is in close relation to the spirit(gods). The conclusion of this study is as follows.
Nongak (Farmers Dance) is the rhythm of pulse and breath and also the movement that is arises out of the formers labour.
Talchoom (Mask Dance) begins from one’s heart’s desire for wreaking his grudge and expanding his oppressed mind.
Shaman Ritual Dance is an autflow of spiritual existence, but a dancer`s movement as art is the body itself leading spiritual existence.
The essence of Juldarigi(Tug of War) is on a stage of unification of human`s ether and nature’s.
Our traditional folk dance and play must be reanalyzed freshly from the spirual point of view and it is expected that Sinmyung (spirit, gods) as a core of popular esthetic consiousness can take charge of a key making our present life worthy.
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Athletes' attributive framework of issue of game 인문 · 사회과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手)의 경기승패(競技勝敗)에 대한 귀인(歸因)
22(2) 41-50, 1983
Athletes' attributive framework of issue of game 인문 · 사회과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手)의 경기승패(競技勝敗)에 대한 귀인(歸因)
The purpose of this study is to analyze the differences of locus of control athletes according to their Sex, and individual or group entris.
The major findings of this study are as follows:
·When they wins.
1. The male athletes have inclination of the internal attribution, and especially they think that the winning result from effort.
2. The female athlete have inclination of the internal attribution, but they under estimate the influence of their abilities.
3. The athlete on occations of indivicual entries have inclination of the internal attribution and they have the strong faith that the winning is result from extort, but ability.
4. The athlete on occation of group entries have inclination of the internal attribution, and they conceive that the winning is influenced by effort.
·When they less
1. The male athlete have the inclination of internal and external attribution, but more internal attribution.
2. The female athlete have the inclination of the internal attribution.
3. The athlete on occations of individual entries have inclination of the internal attribution.
4. The athlete on occations of group entries leave inclination of the internal attribution and they conceive that the loss result from their inabilities and their rirals` strong Power.
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Development of Physical Education Program for Auditory Handicaps 인문 · 사회과학편 : 청각장애아(聽覺障碍兒)의 체육(體育)프로그램에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
22(2) 51-60, 1983
Development of Physical Education Program for Auditory Handicaps 인문 · 사회과학편 : 청각장애아(聽覺障碍兒)의 체육(體育)프로그램에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this study was to develope the physical education program for auditory handicaps to promote their physical fitness and motor abilities.
For the purpose, the literatural research methods were used as follows.
1. Analysis of physical education program of Dolores Geddes
2. Analysis of physical education program of Daniel D. Arnheim
3. Analysis of physical education of Hollis Fait
4. Analysis of physical education of Thomas A Stein
5. Analysis of physical education of H. Harrison Clarke
6. Analysis of physical education of Janet Pomeroy
7. Analysis of physical education of Korean Ministry of Education
The results were as follows;
1. Phase one-primary level
Individuals functioning at this foundational level were provided activities to develop basic movement patterns; fundamental motor skills, Peceptual-motor skills, and self-awareness.
2. Phase two-Intermediate level
Individuals functioning at this level were provided activities that would apply and elaborate basic fundational skills to increasingly more complex situations.
3. Phase three-Adolescent level
Activities for partition in specific sports, games and higher organized activities were provided at this level with application of skills developed in phases one or two.
4. Phase four-Young adult
Competencies and skills that have been developed in previous sequential stages were applied to more complex games and sports and secredional activies.
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An Eperimental Study on the Practice Model for the Lmprovement of Leg Power 자연과학편 : 각근력(脚筋力) 향상(向上)을 위(爲)한 訓練模型의 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究)
金基榮KiYoungKim , 許健洪GunHongHur
22(2) 63-70, 1983
An Eperimental Study on the Practice Model for the Lmprovement of Leg Power 자연과학편 : 각근력(脚筋力) 향상(向上)을 위(爲)한 訓練模型의 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究)
金基榮KiYoungKim , 許健洪GunHongHur
A eight-week training was conducted to compare and analyse the resulat of the leg-power development. A different training program was given individually to the three training groups, each of which consisted of 8 athletes.
From this study, the following results were abtained:
a) In Serpent Jump, Plyometric Training Group achieved an increase of 0.55CM more than Box Drill Group, which showed an improvement of CM, 2.4 times as the Control Group.
b) However, Box Drill Group achieved an improvement of 0.06 seconds in a 40M Dash more than Plyometric Group, which showed that Box Drill was 0.11 seconed faster than the Control Group.
c) The Standing Jump represented that Box Droup obtained an improvement of 2.5CM more than the Plyometric Group, which proceded the Control Group by 3.5CM.
d) Burpee Jump, which was an action connecting Burpee and Jump, particularly required power and agility. In this item of training Plyometric Group showed an improvement of more than two times as much as those of Box Drill Group and Control Group.
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A Study on the Reasons for Injuries of Ballet Dancers 자연과학편 : 무용수(舞踊手)의 외상발생(外傷發生) 요인(要因)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究)
22(2) 71-78, 1983
A Study on the Reasons for Injuries of Ballet Dancers 자연과학편 : 무용수(舞踊手)의 외상발생(外傷發生) 요인(要因)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究)
The purpose of this study was to determine physical injuries during ballet practice. The 390 samples were drawn from high school, college and professional dancers.
This research was conducted through a interview and questionnaire.
The following results were observed:
1) The major cause of physical injury to ballet dancers was insufficient amount of warm up exercise, and then unskilled performance, nonattention, hard practice.
2) The order in sides of injury to ballot dancers were as following: 1. Foot, 2. Ankle, 3. Knee, 4. Hip joint, 5. Spine.
3) Achilles tendon rapture of ballot dancers was unobserved.
4) Over 50% of total ballot dancers, suffered from Ankle sprain, Torso pain, or Big Toe pain.
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A study on the anaerobic threshold of young endurence runners 자연과학편 : 고교(高校) 장거리(長距離) 선수(選手)들의 anaerobic threshold에 관한 연구(硏究)
22(2) 79-87, 1983
A study on the anaerobic threshold of young endurence runners 자연과학편 : 고교(高校) 장거리(長距離) 선수(選手)들의 anaerobic threshold에 관한 연구(硏究)
The purpose of the present study was to determine the anaerobic threshold of young endurance runners and compare the AT-VO₂ difference between good (n=6) and poor runners (n=5).
The subjects aged 15-17 were divided into two groups by 5,000m running performances measured within the same month as the bicycle ergometer tests. They worked on the bicycle ergometer (Monark) with continuous step increment loading method. The first 3 minutes of cycling were rate was increased each minute by 25W increments untill volitional fatigue.
The determination of AT was based upon the non-invassive method by observing the onset of the non-linea relationship VO₂and VCO₂; plots of FEO₂ (or ΔFEO₂) and FECO₂were also utilized to confirm the recorded AT level. The gas exchange parameters were analysed by ERGO OXYSCREEN made in German.
The means±SD of VCO₂ max were 3.465±0.204 ℓ/min (65.50±2.41㎖/㎏. min) in good runners, and 3.50±0.406 ℓ/min (59.101±3.27㎖/㎏·min in poor runners.
The means±SD of AT-VCO₂ were 2.785±0.273 ℓ/min (52.58±3.52mlkg·min) in good runners and 2.844±0.213 ℓ/min (48.10±1.30 ㎖/㎏. min) in poor runners.
The differences between good and poor runners in VCO₂ max and AT-VO₂expressed as milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of body were significant (P<0.01, p<0.05).
The result of the present study therefore confirmed that young endurance runners are able to generate approximately 80% of their maximal aerobic power on the anaerobic threshold.
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Kinetic Analysis on Movement at Giant Circle on the Horizontal Bar 자연과학편 : 철봉(鐵棒) Giant Circle 동작(動作)의 역학적(力學的) 분석(分析)-우수(優秀) 체조선수(體操選手) 중심(中心)으로-
22(2) 89-96, 1983
Kinetic Analysis on Movement at Giant Circle on the Horizontal Bar 자연과학편 : 철봉(鐵棒) Giant Circle 동작(動作)의 역학적(力學的) 분석(分析)-우수(優秀) 체조선수(體操選手) 중심(中心)으로-
The movement of Giant Circle was a highly needed to technique in connecting the various horizontal techniques. And so I came to take pictures of the movements with 16mm Movie Camera (64 frame/sec) for the purpose of this technique developed, and selected two top-class players as subjects for this research. In each frame of film taken by me, I could get the center of gravity with the method suggested by Massui. After teat I got the result of the analysis according to the distance of the position of the center of gravity from the horizontal bars. By making use of the above method, I reached the conclusion as following.
1. The removal of the center of gravity shows that Sub CJ was faster than Sub AJ by 0.35m/sec, which means that "a" was faster by 0.076m/sec², and also which means that "F" was larger by 835.79 Newton. Ek was 49.68 Joule larger, Ep was larger by 569.99 Joule(p<0.05), "U" was 31.44 Joule (p<0.001) and "P" was 8.83 Hp.
In the case of "ρ" Sub AJ was only longer by 2.2lcm than Sub CJ. In the case of sec, Sub CJ was faster by 0.2840 Sec.
2. But as the result of analysis, it is appeared that the rotation velocity was great in the case of the excessive winding, but the beauty was lacked about the movement.
3. In the case of Arm Angle that is in proportion to the rotation velocity, Sub CJ in the phase 4 revealed 127.5˚, and Sub AJ showed 129.5˚
In phase 5 that is conected with the next rotation, and Sub CJ showed 177.0˚, and Sub AJ showed 166.5˚, and so I should say that Sub CJ is most suitable movement for the Giant Citle.
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A Study on Changes of Physical Fitness in High Altitude 자연과학편 : 고도(高度)에 따른 체력요인변화(體力要因變化)에 관한 연구(硏究)
李京濟K.J.Lee , 呂南會N.H.Lyo
22(2) 97-108, 1983
A Study on Changes of Physical Fitness in High Altitude 자연과학편 : 고도(高度)에 따른 체력요인변화(體力要因變化)에 관한 연구(硏究)
李京濟K.J.Lee , 呂南會N.H.Lyo
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 1) altitude acclimatization, 2) the other things which involved in mountain climbing, 3) altitude effects on physical fitness, and 4) change of blood components before and after moutain climbing.
The twenty-three subjects who belonged to K.S.A.F. were measured body weights, blood pressure, heart-rate, grip strength, Harvard Step Test, 50 steps walking, sergent jump, side test, zallen bar response time, body trunk flexion, body trunk extension in physical fitness, the changes of plasma sodium, plasma potassium, hemoglobin, glucose, cholesterol leves, the numbers of RBC in blood components.
The results are followings.
1. The changes in physical fitness
1) Body weight: The higher the altitude, the reducer the body weight, After 4 weeks mountain climbing the body weight was reduced about 7-8kgs.
2) In the case of resting heart rate, the change of heart rate range was increased at first exposure, but acclimatization in heart rate was occured rapidly.
3) In the case of resting blood pressure; blood pressure was increased stightly in accordance with increasing altitude, although the change of blood pressure range was no significant.
4) Harvard step Test; The index of Harvard Steg Test was shown higher score after mountain climbing (142.7) than that of before(132.00).
5) Side step test, and sergent jump; The score of side step test and sergent jump were reduce sharply in accordance with increasing altitude.
6) Tested items that included grip stength, zallen bar response time, body trunk flexion, body trunk extension were shown no significant in accordance with increasing altitude.
2. The change in blood components.
The change of plasma sodium was no significant before and after mountain climbing. Plasma potassium and Cholesterol were reduced 1%, 4% after mountain clim, respectively, The numbers of RBC, hemogbin were increased 15%, 14%, respectively(p<.01). Glucose was reduced 59% (p<.01).
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Analysis of Korean Dancing Intensity 자연과학편 : 한국무용(韓國舞踊)의 운동강도분석(運動强度分析)
22(2) 109-116, 1983
Analysis of Korean Dancing Intensity 자연과학편 : 한국무용(韓國舞踊)의 운동강도분석(運動强度分析)
The purpose of this study was to detect the intensities for the three type of Korean traditional dance. One well trained dancer was employed as the experiment`s subject in this case study.
The test results were as follows.
1. In the dance of Salpulee the average heart rate was 155∼158 bpm and it is 85∼90% level of HRmax.
2. In Seungmu was ranged from 170 to 780 bpm, and 85∼90% level of HRmax.
3. Bongsan Tal Choom was ranged from 180 to 190 bpm and 90∼95% level of HRmax.
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A Study on Measurement Methods for Muscular Endurance Test Events 자연과학편 : 근지구력검사(筋持久力檢査)의 측정방법학적(測定方法學的) 연구(硏究)-상완(上腕), 복근지구력검사종목(腹筋持久力檢査種目)을 중심(中心)으로-
22(2) 117-122, 1983
A Study on Measurement Methods for Muscular Endurance Test Events 자연과학편 : 근지구력검사(筋持久力檢査)의 측정방법학적(測定方法學的) 연구(硏究)-상완(上腕), 복근지구력검사종목(腹筋持久力檢査種目)을 중심(中心)으로-
To identify whether one tester test many subjects or not under same condition in muscular endurance test (upper arm muscle, abdominal muscle), 50 students of Department of Physical Education in Gang Weon National University volunteered as subjects were tested from September 13, to October 30, 1983 (about 7 weeks).
The conclusion from analysed results as follows:
1. Among each items of muscular endurance test under control and non-control conditions were represented high-co-relationship (0.91∼0.96).
2. Muscular endurance test under control condition was higher than non-control condition in objectivity and reliability.
3. To measure many subjects at the same time by one tester on muscular endurance test, it was possible only under control condition.
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A Study on the Correlations Among the Test Items of the National Physical Fitness Test 자연과학편 : 국민체력장(國民體力章) 검사요인간(檢査要因間) 상관관계(相關關係) 연구(硏究)
1. The purpose of this study
This is to study the correlations among the Test Items the National Fitness Test.
2. Methods
(1) Sampling
Fotal 1003 persons (503 men and 500 wemen) who divided into 7 age groups, were used as subjects by means of Cluster Sampling and Random Sampling with consideration of sexes, ages, and residences which can be effects on factors of Physical fitness.
(2) Items of the Test
1,200m distance run, vertical jump, Standing broad jump, Push-ups, sit-ups for 30 second. sit and reach were tested.
(3) Data Processing
The data of tested were analyzed and treated statistically using S.P.S.S. Program in Seoul National University Computer Center.
3. The results and conclusions were as follows:
(1) 1,200 distance run has significant negative relationship to other factors for all sexes (P<0.05).
(2) Each of the relationships between push-ups and sit ups for 30 seconds standing, broad vertical jugs and sit-ups for 30 seconds, and vertical clump are significant for all sexes (P<0.05).
(3) In most of age groups for all sexes, total endurance has the most effects total evaluations among the Physical fitness of the National Physical Fitness Test, followed by muscle endurance, power, and then flexibility.
(4) In most of age groups for all serves, 1,200m distance run has the most effects on total evaluations score among 6test items for 4 Physical fitness factors of the National fitness Test, followed by push-ups, sit and reach, standing broad jump, sit-ups for 30 seconds, and then vertical jump.
(5) In muscle endurance, push-ups has more significant than sit-ups for 30 seconds has more significant than push-ups in 5 age groups except 18-24 yrs, 35-36yrs, and above 50yrs for women.
(6) In power, standing broad jump has more significant than vertical jump in all age groups for all sexes except 35-39yrs men groups.
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Analysis of Precision Measure of Motion Direction for Star Shape Locus 자연과학편 : 성형(星形) 궤적(軌跡)에 의한 운동방향(運動方向)의 정확성(正確性) 분석(分析)
22(2) 141-148, 1983
Analysis of Precision Measure of Motion Direction for Star Shape Locus 자연과학편 : 성형(星形) 궤적(軌跡)에 의한 운동방향(運動方向)의 정확성(正確性) 분석(分析)
This study was measured and analyzed about star shape locus which was carried out by the total 32 persods, soccer group 13 persons, Baseball group 7 persons in order to explain the precision about each direction and turnish the turdamental data in teaching: The result was followed.
1. In Soccer group, the area of low direction showed DM 9.01㎠ less than that of upper left, DM 18.11㎠ that of right, DM 23.19㎠ that of left, and the area of upper right showed DM 8.94㎠ that of right and the area of upper left showed DM 15.41㎠ that of left, and the area of left showed DM 6.42㎠ that of right. Therefore low direction was the mast precise (p<0.001) and upper right was more precise than right (p<0.001) and left was the most imprecise. (p<0.001).
2. In Baseball group, the area of low direction showed DM 8.31㎠ less than that of upper left, DM 11.91 ㎠ that of right, DM 11.47㎠ that of left, and the area of upper right showed DM 4.24㎠ that of right, and showed DM 7.68㎠ that of right, and the area of upper left showed DM 9.16㎠ that of left, (p<0.01) the area showed DM 3.61㎠ less than of right, (p<0.05) and the area of right showed DM 5.56㎠ the most large of imprecise than right. (p<0.001).
3. In Basketball group, the area of low direction showed DM 8.53㎠ less than of upper right. (p<0.001) DM 12.03㎠ that of right, D.M 16.90㎠ that of right. (p<0.01) DM 9.56㎠, less area the most precise less than upper right 9.56㎠. (p<0.05) There were somewhat differences in another directions, but these were insignificant.
4. In whole group, low direction showed DM 8.43㎠ less than that of upper right, DM 8.50㎠ that of upper right. (p<0.01) DM 13.99㎠ that of right, DM 19.21㎠ that of right, less area the most precise less than that of right, the of low direction upper rightshowed DM 5.52㎠ that of right. (p<0.01) DM 10.78㎠ that of upper right, (p<0.05) and the are most imprecise.
5. The difference of the mean about the among directions and groups were Somewhat were showed but were not significant.
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Experimental Study on the Physical Fitness of Youth and the Change of Urine in Exercise before and after. 자연과학편 : 청소년(靑少年)의 운동전후(運動前後) 체력(體力)과 요성분변화(尿成分變化)에 관한 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究)
鄭琮勳JongHoonChung , 朴相甲SangKabPark , 韓載琴JaiKymHahn
22(2) 149-159, 1983
Experimental Study on the Physical Fitness of Youth and the Change of Urine in Exercise before and after. 자연과학편 : 청소년(靑少年)의 운동전후(運動前後) 체력(體力)과 요성분변화(尿成分變化)에 관한 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究)
鄭琮勳JongHoonChung , 朴相甲SangKabPark , 韓載琴JaiKymHahn
As the subject of this study, 5 athletes, 5 nonathletes were taken among the high school students to eraluate Physical Fitness and observed biochemistric change of urine according to Bicycle Ergometer. The conclusion obtained is as follows:
1. Before exercise, Urine Protein is measured 4.26±0.940㎎/㎗ in nonathletes group and measured 1.10±0.75㎎/㎗ in athletes group. After exercise, Urine Protein is measured 5.62±1.595㎎/㎗ in nonathletes group and measured 2.08±1.64㎎/㎗ in athletes group.
2. Before exercise, Urine Acid is measured 99.37±9.318㎎/㎗ in in nonathletes group and measured 83.15±8.764㎎/㎗ in athletes group. After exercise, Urine Acid is measured 115.19±12.486㎎/㎗ in nonathletes group and measured 97.71±15.246㎎/㎗ in athletes group.
3. Before exercise, Urine Nitrogen is measured 590.4±98.00㎎/㎗ in nonathletes group and measured 712.0±132.36㎎/㎗ in athletes group. After exercise, Urine Nitrogen is measured 784.8±124.01㎎/㎗ in nonathletes group and measured 824.0±81.73㎎/㎗ in athletes group.
4. Before exorcise, Urine Creatinine is measured 175.76土80.209㎎/㎗ in nonathletes group and measured 131.38±12.375㎎/㎗ in athletes group. After exercise, Urine Creatinine is measured 227.29±51.320㎎/㎗ in nonathletes group and measured 159.94±19.00㎎/㎗ in athletes group.
5. Before exercise, Urine Specific Gravity is measured 1.023±0.005 in nonathletes group and measured 1.021±0.003 in athletes group. After exercse, Urine Specific Gravity is measured 1.028±0.02 in nonathletes group and measured 1.024±0.003 in athletes group.
6. Before and After exercise. Urine Sugar is measured negative (-) in both.
7. Before and After exercise, Urine Protein is treasured negative (-) in both.
According to these biochemistric tests, the results showed lowermeasurement in athletes group than in nonathletes group than in nonathletes group. As the reason of these results, athletes group had more better training(of respiration organ, circulation organ and muscle organ, etc) and therefore I think that physical fitness of athletes group was stronger than nonathletes group`s one.
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The yelling Influence on Ratio on Muscular Strength 자연과학편 : 기합(氣合)이 근력증가(筋力增加)에 주는 효과(效果)-태권도(跆拳道) 선수(選手)를 중심(中心)으로-
崔昌國ChangKukChoi , 權寧鎭YoungJinKweon
22(2) 161-166, 1983
The yelling Influence on Ratio on Muscular Strength 자연과학편 : 기합(氣合)이 근력증가(筋力增加)에 주는 효과(效果)-태권도(跆拳道) 선수(選手)를 중심(中心)으로-
崔昌國ChangKukChoi , 權寧鎭YoungJinKweon
The conclusion made from the experiment through which 30 college Taekwondo athletes, who were high-rank prize winners in College Taekwondo Championships and Korean National Sports Festival in 1982, were measured after yell their individual differences in muscular strength by the change of time three by three by three is as follows;
1) The ratio index of grip strength grew higher than the usual muscular strength by about 1.4% just after the yell, 7.6% after six seconds of the yell.
2) The ratio index of upper arm extension strension strengh grew higher than the usual muscular strength by 5.0% Just after the yell, 25.1% after six seconds of the yell.
3) The ratio index of leg extension strength grew higher than the usual muscular strength by 1.42% just after yell, 8.3% after six seconds of the yell.
4) The ratio index of back muscular strength grew higher than the usual muscular strength by 2.9% just after the yell, 8.4% after six seconds of the yell.
5) The ratio index of crushing muscular strength grew higher then the usual muscular strength by 4.8% just after the yell, 19.8% after six seconds of the yell.
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Effect of Air-Gun Shooting Training on the Electromyogram on the Upper Limb Muscles 자연과학편 : 공기권총(空氣拳銃) 사격훈련(射擊訓練)이 상지근(上肢筋)의 근전도(筋電圖)에 미치는 영향(影響)
Eight male shooting athletes and twelve non-athletes were selected for the subject of this study. Electromyogram (EMG) was recorded with surface electrodes on the upper limb muscles during “high”, “aim”, and “fire” motions. Amplitude, frequency and integrated EMG, were maesured from the record. Effort were directed to elucidate the changes in EMG during acts of shooing.
The results obtained are summarized as follows.
1) In comparison between two groups, EMG amplitudes on the deltoid and teres major were higher in athletes than in non-athletes. The difference was significant on the deltoid during “fire” and on the teres major during “high” and “fire”. The amplitudes on the forearm flexors and extensors, on the other hand, were lower in athletes than in non-athletes. There was no difference between two groups on the biceps, triceps, and trapezius.
2) In comparison among the motions, the amplitude during “fire” was highest, followed by those durng “aim” and “high” in the order named. In non-althletes, the amplitude during “aim” and “fire” on the teres major and that during “fire” on the forearm flexors and extensors were significantly higher compared with those during “high” on the respective muscles. In athletes, that during “fire” on the forearm flexors was significantly higher than that during “high”.
3) Compared with the amplitude on the biceps, amplitudes on the deltoid and on the trapezius were significantly higher, followed by that on the teres major.
1) In comparison between two groups, the EMG frequency on the deltoid was higher and those on the forearm flexors and extensors were lower in athletes than in non-athletes.
2) In comparison among the motions, the frequency during “fire” was lowest, followed by those during “aim” and “high” in the order named. The frequency during “fire” on the trapezius in non-athletes and that during “aim” on the teres major in athletes were significantly lower than those during “high” on the respective muscles.
3) Compared with the frequency on the biceps, that on the deltoid during the 3 motions in athletes were significantly higher.
Integrated EMG:
1) In Comparison between two groups, the integrate EMG on all the upper limb muscles was lower in athletes than in non-athletes. The difference was significant on the trapezius and forearm extensors during the 3 motions, on the teres major during “high”, and on the forearm flexors during “fire”.
2) In comparison among the motions, the integrated EMG during “fire” was lowest, followed by those during “aim” and “high” in the order named. That during “fire” on the deltoid in non-athletes and those during “aim” on the trapezius and during “fire” on the deltoid and forearm flexors in athletes were significatly lower than those during “high” on the respective muscles.
3) Compared with the integrated EMG on the biceps, those on the deltoid and on the trapezius were significantly higher.
In conclusion, the EMG amplitude was increased in the order of “high”, “aim” and “fire”, but th frequency and integrated EMG was decreased in the same order. Attention should be given to the facts that the amplitude during “fire” on the forearm flexors was significantly increased inathletes while that on the forearm extensors was increased in non-athletes, that the amplitude and frequency on the deltoid was higher in athletes, that the amplitude on the teres major which fixes the upper limb muscles was higher in athletes, that the integrated EMG on all the muscles was lower in athletes, and that the amplitude, frequency, and the integrated EMG on the deltoid and on the trapezius were highest among the upper limb muscles.
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Effect of Local muscular Exercise on Ulnar motor nerve Conduction velocity 자연과학편 : 국소근활동(局所筋活動)이 척골신경전도속도(尺骨神經傳導速度)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관한 연구(硏究) Ⅱ
22(2) 185-191, 1983
Effect of Local muscular Exercise on Ulnar motor nerve Conduction velocity 자연과학편 : 국소근활동(局所筋活動)이 척골신경전도속도(尺骨神經傳導速度)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관한 연구(硏究) Ⅱ
The purpose of this study was to observe local muscular exercise on conduction velocity of unexercised arm.
Experiment was made on 10 normal females, with ages between 19 and 26 years who were all right-handed.
The results were as follows as;
1. Conduction velocity after the muscular exercise significantly increases. But, conduction velocity of unexercised arm did not rise to the significant level and its flactuation also had no regularity.
2. The stimulation did not have effects on the spinal cord and the unexercised arm.
It might be concluded that these reactional aspects of the ulnar motor nerve indicaded the change in motor nerve conduction velocity of the peripheral nature.
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A Research about physique and physical strength of Track and Field players 응용연구편 : 육상경기선수(陸上競技選手)들의 체격(體格) 및 체력(體力)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
高在植JaeSikKo , 高興煥HeungWhanKo
22(2) 195-206, 1983
A Research about physique and physical strength of Track and Field players 응용연구편 : 육상경기선수(陸上競技選手)들의 체격(體格) 및 체력(體力)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
高在植JaeSikKo , 高興煥HeungWhanKo
To See the Young player’s physique and the development of the physical strength factor, and the physique and the physical strength type in each item, 26.04 young players were tested for research and ten items in the physique together with eleven items in the physical strength were Compared with each other after being Mesured.
The followings are their results.
1. The development of the physique and the physical strength became higher abruptly between 12 years old and 14 Zears old and became higher slowly after 15 years old, but the lower limbg, the side step, the close eyes foot balance, the rolling and the Harvard step changed irreqularly.
2. The priority order of a spinter’s physique Value was as follows: the pinth factor, the length factor, the Volume factor.
And that of the physical strdngth was as follows: the power, the muscular endurance, the strength, the balance, the agility.
3. The pricrity order of the physique value that players running middle and long distance race have, was as follows: the length factor, the Firth factor, the volume factor.
And that of the physical strength was as follows: the cardiovascular endurance, the balance, the agility, the strength.
4. The priority order of the throwing player’s physique value was follows: the pirth factor, the volume factor, the length factor. And that of the physical strength was hs follows: the strength, the power, the agility, the balance, the flexibility, the cardiovascular endurance.
5. The prionity order of a jumping player’s physique vale was as follows: the length factor, the volume factor, the pirth factor. And the balance, the power, the agility; the flxibility, the cardiovascular endurance, the strength endurance.
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A Study on effectiveness of the goal Keeper's step in soccer-Jab cross-over step, cross-over step, slide step- 응용연구편 : 축구 골키퍼 스텝의 효율성에 관한 연구(硏究)-Jab cross-over step, cross-overstep, slide step을 중심으로-
金達永DalYoungKim , 朴贊弘ChanHongPark , 朴晶來JungLaePark
22(2) 207-214, 1983
A Study on effectiveness of the goal Keeper's step in soccer-Jab cross-over step, cross-over step, slide step- 응용연구편 : 축구 골키퍼 스텝의 효율성에 관한 연구(硏究)-Jab cross-over step, cross-overstep, slide step을 중심으로-
金達永DalYoungKim , 朴贊弘ChanHongPark , 朴晶來JungLaePark
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation-ships between selected time variables involved in step moving time, Jump preparing time, Flight time, Total time, and inititial step techniques for moving laterally in a controlled (limited) situation.
Specifically, a Jab cross-over step (J), cross-over step (C) and slide step patterns in responding left or right were investigated for 6 K. college students.
The subjects were trained by the researcher concerned for four weeks, and all sequences were filmed with a 16mm motion picture camera using a film transport speed of 64 fps.
Data were treated by means of a split-split pot 3 (step method)×2 (response direction), Mutiple Comparison with design on method and direction. Results of the analysis were as follows.
a. Among the three methods of step, the job cross-over step is considered to be a more effective method than the slide step; the Jap cross-over step does not appear to be a better method than the cross-over step; the cross-over step is better than the slide step.
b. The extent to which the difference of methods is greatest in jump preparing-time, next flight time.
c. Indirection, right direction takes less time than left.
d. There is little difference between the three methods of step in right direction of left direction.
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An Analysis of Shot-put Motion by Cinematography 응용연구편 : 투포환(投砲丸) 동작(動作)의 역학적(力學的) 분석(分析)
朴贊弘ChanHongPark , 金達永DalYoungKim , 朴晶來JungRaiPark
22(2) 215-222, 1983
An Analysis of Shot-put Motion by Cinematography 응용연구편 : 투포환(投砲丸) 동작(動作)의 역학적(力學的) 분석(分析)
朴贊弘ChanHongPark , 金達永DalYoungKim , 朴晶來JungRaiPark
The purpose of this study was to obtain the fundamental materials which were needed in instructing shot-put.
The subjects were 1 highly skilled performer and 1 poorly skilled performer in shot-put.
The method of the study was to analyze biomechanically the film in which the shot-put motions of 2 subjects were taken.
The results were as follows.
1. The highly skilled performer A had the shorter time required in performing shot-put than the poorly skilled performer B did in 1st, 2nd, and 4th stage except the same time required in 3rd stage.
2. H.S.P. A applied the suitable angle of each joint to shot-put motion efficiently in each stage.
3. In the shot`s velocity of each stage, H.S.P.A increased its velocity continuously, but P.S.P.B decreased its velocity for a time at a intermediate process.
4. In the velocity of release, H.S.P.A was greatly superior to P.S.P.B, but his record didn`t get to the upper limit of Cureton`s report.
5. In the angle of release, H.S.P.A threw the shot at the ideal anagle, but P.S.P.B greatly deviated fronts the range of that angle.
6. In the height of release. H.S.P.A was higher than P.S.P.B in spite of his little stature.
7. In the distance of forward lean, H.S.P.A got an advantage while P.S.P.B suffered a great loss.
8. In the lost distance, H.S.P.A had the shorter distance than P.S.P.B.
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A Study on the Investigation of the frequency of stopping games in each playing time in Rugby 응용연구편 : 럭비풋보올 경기중(競技中) 정지빈도(停止頻度)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究)
22(2) 223-234, 1983
A Study on the Investigation of the frequency of stopping games in each playing time in Rugby 응용연구편 : 럭비풋보올 경기중(競技中) 정지빈도(停止頻度)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究)
This study is focused to make investigation of the frequency of foul plays which occurs in the process of each playing time. For this purpose 4 high school games which are about same level at the 64th National Athletic Meets and 2 college games of the last day of the College Rugby football League in 1983 were singled out as subjects.
The results of the study are summarized as follows:
1. The highest frequency of the scrums in each playing time occurs between 0 and 5 minutes in the first half both in the high school games and in the college games.
2. The highest frequency of line-outs in each playing time occurs between 25 and 30 minutes in the first half in the high school games and it occurs between 10 and 15 minutes in the latter half in the college games.
3. The highest frequency drop-outs in each playing time occurs between 25 and 30 minutes in the first half and latter half in the high school games and it occurs between 10 and 15 minutes in the first half and between 5 and 10 minutes in the latter half in the college games.
4. The highest frequency of penalty-kicks in each playing time occurs between 25 and 30 minutes in the first half in the high school games and it occurs between 30 and 35 minutes in the first and latter half in the college games.
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A Study on Services and Quick Tempo Attack in Table Tennis 응용연구편 : 탁구경기(卓球競技)의 전진속공(前進速攻)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)-한국 · 중공 · 일본 중심으로-
22(2) 235-244, 1983
A Study on Services and Quick Tempo Attack in Table Tennis 응용연구편 : 탁구경기(卓球競技)의 전진속공(前進速攻)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)-한국 · 중공 · 일본 중심으로-
This study is an attempt to the efficiency of services and quick tempo attack (serve+3.5 Ball) which played between a semi-final game (Korea vs Japan) and final game (Korea vs China) of the 36th World Table Tennis Game. And the points are as follows; (1) A timing of concentrated attack, (2) A decisive factor of serve, (3) A style of serve, (3) A style of serve, (4) An influence on serve scoring point. The following conclusion deducted from the above analysis of the data. First, korean team has made store errors in spite of concentrated attacks. The game with Japan and china made errors, They won in the 3rd ball, but failed in 5th ball. The score ratio is lower in 3.5 ball and this means the failure ratio is higher. Second, korean team has showed smash as decisive attacks in success and failure. E. Kanda, Japan,s right-handed pips-in soft-drive-type player, showed the same smash attacks in offence and defence. And "Wada", Japan`s defensive player, attacked with long Ball cut, and won the game, Chae Boryong, China`s powerful drive attacker, played Back short, but failed with this method. Her 2nd attach also showed drive attack style. Cao Yan hua, china`s drive attacker, performed the drive and smash attack with korean team which marks point by serve. Hwaug Nam sook, who wish to mark decisive attack style.
"Lee sooja" won the game with decisive attacks. In general, the ratio of korean team is lower than Japan`s and china`s This means that the ratio of korea is weak in attacks first and it if the task to win the game. Third, korean team attacked in 3.5 Ball with Forehand serve and Japan attacked First in 3.5 Ball with Backhand serve. Among the countries, korean team`s ratio of a attacks is the highest which perfermed by serve. They are higher than Japan but lower than china on the average, fourth, an influence on serve scoring point of korean team marked 70.7% with the Japan but the ratio is lower. On the other hand, Japan`s ratio is 58.4%. And with china, the ratio is 83.3%. The efficient ratio of china is 74% and the mark ratio is 50% which performed by serve attacks. In korean team, in spite of the high efficient service the ratio of Failure if higher, too. The reason above mentioned is because of the failure against the attack chance and the poor Serve to win. And the conclusion is the task of korean team to succeed to win the game in the future.
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A research of Athletes' Jinx in National ballgame players. 응용연구편 : 국가대표 구기운동선수의 징크스에 대한 조사연구
22(2) 245-256, 1983
A research of Athletes' Jinx in National ballgame players. 응용연구편 : 국가대표 구기운동선수의 징크스에 대한 조사연구
The purpose of this study was to investigate the infleuences and whether or not of athletes` jinx in field of sports.
110 National players of Soccer, Volleyball (male and female), Basketball (male and female), and Handball (male and female includes Jr. National players) answered the questonaire which was made for only this study.
The following conclusions were obtained.
1. A large percentage of athletes (total 78.2%; male 70.7%, female 87.5%) have one or three or more over Jinx.
2. Major part of male athletes` jinx were Groundand stadium, Color of uniform, Weather condition, Feeling after get up, Instruments of sports and Interpreting of dream. And major part of female athletes` jinx were Color of uniform, Interpreting of dream. Ground or stadium, Refree, Weather condition.
3. Jinx is related with Words and behavior of teammate and coaches.
4. And before or during the game, a large percentage of athletes (85.4%) think the defeat or depression of game on account of Jinx. And a large percentage of athletes (88.2%), answered that their jinx was come true in the field of sports, and answered that their jinx give them mental burden. (88.2%).
5. Most of athletes think that there is a relationship between Jinx and Slump but not between Jinx and athletic ability of opponent.
6. Many athletes think that there is a relationship between Jinx and Injures in game, and many athletes are trying to remove one`s jinx.
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A study on the long jump techniques 응용연구편 : 멀리뛰기 동작(動作)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
22(2) 257-263, 1983
A study on the long jump techniques 응용연구편 : 멀리뛰기 동작(動作)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
This study is purposed to analyze long jump techniques at run up, take off, and landing.
For the purpose, 8 long jumper`s motion was filmed in 16mm cine film at the speed 100 frame/sec.
All the subjects are the 1st grade high school boys who can jump longest distance in their school.
From the result of analysis, following conclusions can be derived.
1) There is not standard run up distance, but that is depended to his ability of how many percent to his maximum speed can he control.
2) The rythm of last 4 strides are like as □ □ □ □.
3) The run up speed was about 10∼11m/sec, and the take off velocity was about 7.58∼8.57m/sec.
4) The take off movement has two functions, moderating the run up impulse and converting the run up speed to vertical.
And the most of the vertical take off velocity is attained by converting the run up speed, only a little is attained by leg muscle`s contaraction (the efficiency index was 1.02∼1.06).
5) The subjects lost their jumping distance about 30∼137cm (mean 71cm), for landing on foot, not by hip.
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An experimental analyse on Right-aiming and shooting motion in Archery 응용연구편 : 궁도의 정조준과 발사동작 분석
An experimental study has been made to analyse the aspects of shooting motion and right-aiming archery. Strain gauge coupled with strain amplifier and recorder was attachd at the end of the limb.
From the resulting curves, aspect of right-aiming depends upon the player`s final drawing motion which arrow is gone put from the clicker. In case, the final drawing motion changes the target point of right-aiming, player releases the arrow under the unstable state-forces decreased.
Also, breadth during right-aiming gives decrease of forces to the player. In order to shoot under the stable state, player has to maintain or add his drawing forces at the release moment.